Wednesday 20 February 2013

God and Satan

God and Satan: The True Story

God and Satan

The true story behind this history of evil, wars and suffering

God said, "The Messiah will be born and he will teach them how to love." "No", answered Satan, "I will make them proud, so they will criticize everyone else and bring more hatred and evil"

This is the true story of how it all started. Once upon a time, God said, "I will create men and women and they will fill the world with love, creating beautiful families, raising happy children." It took him 3 billion years to create the basic atoms. The universe was expanding. Few billion years later he could create the heavy chemical elements necessary to create life.

He prepared a small planet in the Milky Way galaxy, saying: "I want them to have the best position to observe the universe, explore and understand how I created everything. And I will make them capable of feeling my heart and understanding the universal laws and principles. Thus, they will be my children and they will be able to create by themselves."

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Why did Jesus come as the Messiah





Second Advent of Christ: THROUGH BIRTH

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God's Children
After millions of years of writing and sophisticating the DNA program, finally the day came when his first son and daughter could be born. At the birth he gave them spirit, beyond that of any animal, so they can have direct connection to him and dominate the rest of the creation.

There was only one thing they were not allowed; To consume the sexual love before their hearts are mature. As every parent, God knew, that if they entered in immature love, they will produce immature children incapable to relate with Him.

Lucifer was God's first helper and he knew that. He was God's favorite and a leader to the angels. His joy was to fulfill each request of God. But soon he found himself in uneasy position. God's children were growing and doing things by themselves. God was giving more love and attention to them. So jealousy grew in his heart.

Satan and the Free Sex
As older and more mature he fascinated Eve and led her into the only thing she was not yet to do. He seduced her in sexual love and conveyed all his heavy feelings into her innocent heart.

But her conscience immediately felt that she is disconnected from God. She tried to share her fears and pain with Adam, but the only thing she did was to seduce him in the same sexual lust.

This is how God lost his children. Now they and their descendants where tied in blood with Lucifer and he became Satan - a false father and false god to humankind.

Now their hearts were immature, selfish and filled with fear, worries, resentments and distrust. How could they even function normally? They were originally created to live only in complete relationship with God.

Then Satan told to God, "Whatever you do, I will always lead them in the opposite direction." God said, "Some of my children will still sense what's good and through them I will restore my children." "No", answered Satan, "when they see what is evil, I'll make them hate it. They will be full with resentment and too will become my children, perpetuating animosity and evil."

God said, "A child will be born without sin. His name will be Jesusand he will teach them how to love one another, instead of hate." "No", answered Satan, "They will follow him, but instead of love I will make them proud, so they will criticize everyone else and bring more hatred and conflicts instead of love. So they will also be my children, not yours."

The Last Days of Satan
God was full with pain and sorrow, but he didn't give up. "I will raise a pure son and daughter, and they will create the first True Family. They will teach the whole humanity to live as one united familycentered on me, in peace, love and harmony, beyond religion, nationality and race. Then you will be helpless to spread your ways of evil."

Then Satan became desperate and started spreading free sex through all possible ways. He was bombarding God's children from everywhere.

"I will not leave even one pure child in this world, capable to create stabile family", he thought. "Children will be born from fornication, raised without two parents. I will distort even the concept of what is family."

Satan knew his time is soon over. This are the last days. TheMessiah, the second advent of Christ, the True Parents, arealready on the earth. It's only a matter of time until the worldrecognizes them and then Satan's power will be destroyed once and forever

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